Mao’s Little Red Book and Pink Puffer Jackets.

by norman on September 23, 2011

For those reading fb (and why I say it as fb) will understand the next statement regarding some people reading this: THANK YOU, for letting me post. And get over it and accept some criticism.

So anyway, back to the flow.  Our translator in Shanghai was fantastic, David Tang who can be contacted on highly educated, thoughtful, use him.  For instance, I wanted a copy of Mao’s Little Red Book, in fact, I wanted a specific second hand version.  1966, the year I was born and of course the year that the Cultural Revolution started. Guess what, I’ve got one, a chinese version and also an english translation all with the help of David.  Zina of course was more interested in clothes. Back in New Zealand she has found it impossible to find, read that as impossible to find, as in zip, nil, zero, the ability to find feminine clothes that are for her figure ie. a slim model.  Why?  who knows about New Zealand women’s fashion, such things don’t really interest me, other than the appreciation of a woman dressed in great fashion, as I guess a guy in a fine tailored suit. I’ve noticed that chinese women are very slim and fashionable, very similar to Russia.  So Zina, has been in her shopping paradise with regard to fashion.  While she has  been so preoccupied, I’ve been busy in the amazing museums.  Interestingly, the Shanghai Museum (great bronze collection) had a very special exhibition of the “Treasures of the Otago Museum” in its most prestigious position.  Great.  Very popular too.

Norman and Zina in old Shanghai

Click on this photo to see an enlarged version. Norman and Zina in old Shanghai. 30 million people, growing at 10% per annum, and having grown at this rate for 20 years. Just one of the mighty cities of China seeing the greatest greatest creation of wealth in the history of human kind. You can feel it.


Another amazing thing is to go to a museum that has bronze axes and other such items that are about 4,000 years old.

China has such an old culture, and due to our education that is focused on some very dubious things of interest of value I’ve never been taught about any of it.  I just hope that things have changed.  However, given that Otago University has chucked away it’s Russian department, yes amazing… do they not know that there are more billionaires in Moscow than any other city in the world, do they not know that some of the largest companies in the world are in Russia, that Russia has the bomb if you want to be blunt.  Philistines, but then it is the university that banned some members of parliament from speaking on campus and in fact threatened them with trespass notices.

Bronze Axe Shanghai

Beautiful bronze axe 4500 years old in the Shanghai Museum.


China, an ancient culture.  Is this now the future of the world.  I just hope the people who have the power to guide its future have read Brave New World and 1984 because some things in this country are absolutely amazing.  Things the world hasn’t seen since the rise of the English/American or the Roman Empire.  However, with regard to freedom it feels immature, but am I just Euro or Western philosophically centric… I would love to have some comments on this below.  I’m happy to discuss.









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