The Best WordPress Themes Are Woothemes – That’s What I Think

by norman on January 22, 2012

I started designing my own websites back in 1997 using Claris Homepage on my mac, then I moved to Microsoft Frontpage, but that sort of disappeared, then I tried to use Adobe Dreamweaver, but I hated it.  I’ve tried lots of things, but now I use WordPress.  My two big sites and are static html coded sites.  However, my newer sites (this one!) and use WordPress.  I suppose the best way to describe it is a type of cloud computing community that help each other design cool websites right inside your browser.  It started off as facilitating blogging (a web log, hence blog… a type of online journal that facilitates debate and exchange of ideas)

Anyway, it took off and now there are lots of cool people designing themes, so you just download one and bingo, you’ve got a cool website.  Many of the themes are free.  However, there are little businesses all around the world who have got little thing going designing professional sites and also offering support.  Anyway, for my new site I hunted and hunted and hunted to find one that had great themes especially one that would make a good business directory.  The one I choose – Woothemes.  If you are after a great theme then I recommend that you check out their site by clicking on the link below.  I’ve found their support to be excellent, because their themes are larger and complex sometimes people (especially if you are a little bit like me) need lots of help with them.  They get back with answers quickly (usually with 24 hours).  Also you can search their forums as your question might have been asked before and answered already.

AND here is a plug from me.  If you decide to buy, do it by clicking below and I make some money as an affiliate.  However, I’d like to say, the recommendation I gave above is truthful and heartfelt, but I might as make some coin from it too.


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